The new season of The Most-Unrealistic-Reality-Show, ABC’s The Bachelor, premiered last night with Matt James as the new Bachelor. My wife joined me on the show this morning to talk about it, and we both agree, Matt...
It’s the Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day! Now parents, you can send in a video of your child doing to the pledge to our New Country Z100 Facebook page! Please include their name, town, and where they go...
Taysia said YES to Zac! What a run! My wife joined me on the #KiTC Morning Show this morning to give a wrap-up for this crazy season, and a look ahead at the Bachelor, starting January 4!...
Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”? Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form! You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100! Our pledge...
Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”? Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form! You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100! It’s a...
Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”? Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form! You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100! It’s Monday,...
Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”? Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form! You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100! It’s Friday,...
Apparently my Aunt Verna has pulled an all-nighter baking her world famour “Holiday Coco-Nutty Happy-Time Rum Bars”. Emphasis on the “Rum”. Thankfully she’s staying put today. In case you missed it, here’s the phone call from this...
Don’t miss Christmas at Cornerstone this holiday season! Find out more at their WEBSITE! If you missed it, here’s my interview with Pastor Michael Nave on today’s #KiTC Morning Show!...
Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”? Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form! You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100! It’s Thursday,...