Clare and Dale are engaged, and Chris Harrison said, "congratulations, you just blew up the bachelorette"!  My wife joined mne on the show this morning to give a re-cap, and to take a look ahead at what may be coming on the next few episodes now that Taysia is in!



Aunt Verna is really enjoying this 65 degree December day!  AND, she is looking forward to 2021, and the blessings! In cae you missed it, here's the phone call with my Aunt Verna from this morning's #KiTC Morning Show!


It’s the Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day!  Now parents, you can send in a video of your child doing to the pledge to our New Country Z100 Facebook page!  Please include their name, town, and where they go to school!  We’ll use the audio from your video message to share your kid’s pledge with everyone listening!

Today it's Thursday, January 7th, 2021, and our pledge comes to us from 11-year-old Sedona Prior from Ewing, IL!




Father Ken's message was aired during our 2020 Easter Sunday radio special this year.
