Saturday's episode of Sportsvoice has the guys really excited about the upcoming football season.  Hear the entire episode right here!


Thursday night Herrin's school board hired Stephanie Allen as their next athletic director, marking the first time the Herrin Athletic Department will be headed up by a woman.  Herrin Superintendent Nathaniel Wilson and outgoing Athletic Director Andrew Anderson spoke with John Homan about the decision:


Nathaniel Wilson 00:00


Andrew Anderson 04:47


John A. Logan men's basketball coach Tyler Smithepters joined the show Tuesday night after the Vols picked up their first win of the season.  The Vols also have their home opener on Thursday night vs. Mineral Area!


Sportsvoice reacted to the College Football teams that made it into the playoffs, Robert Bortuzzo being traded, spoke with voice of the Salukis Luke Martin, and more!
