Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

Lane Davis is 4-years-old and lives in Galatia, IL.  His pre-K teacher is Ms. Lisa, and he has our pledge today on this MONDAY, December 14th!



It’s the Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day!  Now parents, you can send in a video of your child doing to the pledge to our New Country Z100 Facebook page!  Please include their name, town, and where they go to school!  We’ll use the audio from your video message to share your kid’s pledge with everyone listening!

Today, we had the kindergarteners from Mrs. Severs' class at Christopher Elementary School lead us in the pledge of allegiance!  Tuesday, January 26th!



Today on the #KiTC Morning Show, my Aunt Verna revealed her 2020 Halloween costume.  Believe it or not, she's going as Vanna White.  Lord help us!  In case you missed her phone call...here ya go!


Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

It's a Tuesday, December 22nd, and our pledge today comes to us from 5-year-old Beau Sanders of Royalton, IL!

