Legendary coach Rick Metcalf was named the new girls' basketball coach of Vienna Friday morning.  Matt Varney talks with Coach Metcalf about taking the position and more!


[caption id="attachment_47731" align="alignnone" width="639"] (Photo Credit: Saluki Athletics, siusalukis.com)[/caption]

Fresh off the Dawgs' stunning victory at Weber State, we caught up with QB Stone Labanowitz to talk about the win, and a rematch with South Dakota State this Sunday.


The Carterville Lions held a 7-on-7 scrimmage Friday night.  Dave McKenzie caught up with coach Brett Diel afterward


Mike Murphy and Scott Hudson try to get to the heart of the matter of Matt Carpenter's early season batting struggles and why he's still in the starting lineup...


Photo Cred to Jeff Roberson//AP
