Thursday morning Bryan Mullins talked with media.  Matt Varney asked him about dealing with those pesky Game 2's in the new Missouri Valley scheduling format that the Salukis have struggled with this year and the second outbreak of COVID-19 on the team:


Mike Murphy, Dave McKenize, Scott Hudson, and the Intern all talk about baseball's sticky stuff problem that has come up in recent weeks in Major League Baseball:


Murphysboro Basketball coach Daryl Murphy and voice of the Red Devils Matt Varney met up earlier this week to talk about dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic on the hardwood, the potential for a shot clock in IHSA regulated games, the hole in the post for the Red Devils, and more!


Mike Murphy and Scott Hudson try to get to the heart of the matter of Matt Carpenter's early season batting struggles and why he's still in the starting lineup...


Photo Cred to Jeff Roberson//AP
