The Easter Sunrise Service is coming up THIS SUNDAY!  EASTER SUNDAY!  It's the 86th annual community Easter Sunrise Service from the cross, and it will be awesome!  Gates open at 5AM, and service starts at 6:30AM!  For more details about everything at the cross, follow them on facebook HERE!  And in case you missed it, my guest, Jeffrey Isbell, was on the Kent in the Country Morning Show this morning!  Big things are happening at the Bald Knob Cross of Peace!


Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

Lane Davis is 4-years-old and lives in Galatia, IL.  His pre-K teacher is Ms. Lisa, and he has our pledge today on this MONDAY, December 14th!



It was really good to talk with my Aunt Verna today!  I found out she's doing good down in rural Pope County with her Ray's chili, Spam, Vienna sausages, crackers and mustard.  Sounds legit to me!  She had a request for a Kenny Chesney song I had forgotten about, but I'm thinkin' "Rise Up", is gonna be our new theme song to get us through this mess we are all goin' through!


Clare was slightly ticked when all the guys on her first group date didn't jump up at the chance to talk with her!  Also, they played "strip dodge-ball" last night!  What!?  My beautiful wife, "Nurse Joy", joined me on the show this morning for an update...
