On our season premiere, we overcame some early technical difficulties (2020!) and got to spend a few minutes with Saluki athletic director Liz Jarnigan.


[caption id="attachment_50739" align="alignnone" width="671"] (Photo Credit: Saluki Athletics, siusalukis.com)[/caption]

Saluki men's basketball has a rematch with Drake in the Arch Madness quarterfinals this Friday night, so we thought it was the perfect opportunity to catch up with head coach Bryan Mullins.


On our season premiere, we overcame some early technical difficulties (2020!) and got to spend a few minutes with Saluki athletic director Liz Jarnigan.


Carbondale Athletic Director Mark Albertini and Matt Varney discuss the Carbondale Holiday Tournament's fate and the new Route 13 Christmas Tournament.  We also get an update on the Carbondale Basketball Head Coach search:


Photo Cred: Paul Brinker//Brinker Photography
