Want to participate in this year's American Heart Association Heart Walk?  The event is being held "virtually" this year, and you can sign up individually, or with a team!  CLICK HERE to sign up!  The event is THIS SATURDAY, October 10th, 2020!

I had a chance to talk with Tricia Johnson from Legence Bank on this year's event.  AND, you can show your support with a "Tribute Sticker" from your local Legence Bank.



Aunt Verna is really enjoying this 65 degree December day!  AND, she is looking forward to 2021, and the blessings! In cae you missed it, here's the phone call with my Aunt Verna from this morning's #KiTC Morning Show!


Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

It's election day!  And here on this Tuesday, November 3rd, our Pledge of Allegiance is being brought to you by 6-year-old Avery Thurston from Ullin, IL!



Did you catch Pastor Michael Nave from Cornerstone Church on this morning's #KiTC Morning Show!  It's always great to hear an encouraging word to start the day!  Today, Pastor Michael presented the 3rd step in achieving real peace!  Check it out!
