What We Are About

Service by definition is the act of helping or working for someone. We at Castle Ridge believe in taking that a few steps further. We believe that service if done well, should make a lasting impression and have an impact on not only the person served, but also the person who has provided the service, and the community where the service is being performed. It should create a ripple effect.

Castle Ridge will serve as a center of social interaction, learning, and celebration. It will be a place where people come together for development, entertainment, laughter, passing the time, growth and the creation of memories. We are a business that supports each other, our guests and our community.

Our Mission

At Castle Ridge, our highest mission is to create meaningful experiences for our guests.  It’s about connecting with people, from both near and far, to make a lasting impression. Our goal is to show our love for service at every interaction and positively impact the community around