Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

It's Monday, November 23rd, and our pledge today is being delivered by 8-year-old Callie Vanover of West Frankfort, IL!



Would you like to be the next Z100 Pledge of Allegiance Kid-of-the-Day”?  Have your parents CLICK HERE and fill out the form!  You could be sharing the pledge on the #KiTC Morning Show on New Country Z100!

Cade Germann is a 9-year-old 3rd grader in Mrs. Johnson's class at Giant City School in Carbondale!  Cade has our pledge for Friday, November 13th, 2020!



Clare and Dale are gone, and now it's Taysia time!  A new bachelorette, with 16 guys...no, wait... 20 guys!  What!? Who!?  Things change on this show quicker than I change my order at the drive-thru!  My wife joined me on the show this morning with an update on where the show is now, and where it's going! (Scroll down for our update)


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Oh wow most surprising thing of 2020 wow

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