BENTON, Ill. (WJPF) – Former Williamson County State’s Attorney Brandon Zanotti has been sentenced to two years probation for fraud.

Zanotti took a plea deal, pleading guilty to one count of aiding and abetting the making of a false bank entry.  Federal prosecutors say Zanotti admitted that in April 2022 he met with a bank president and the buyer, they all agreed to fraudulently make it appear as if a new loan to buy rental properties in Williamson and Franklin counties was actually a refinancing.  Documents were backdated to falsely indicate the buyer purchased the properties on Feb. 1, 2022, for the falsely inflated price of $545,152.  The documents also falsely indicated that the bank was refinancing 80% of that loan, with the buyers bringing 20% in cash to the sale.  The real sales price for the properties was $436,122, and the buyers were not bringing any cash to the transaction. The bank’s loan to the buyers was approved by the bank’s loan committee based upon the false information.

Brandon Zanotti resigned as Williamson County State’s Attorney in July 2022 to take a job in the private sector.

In addition to probation, Zanotti will also have to pay a $5,000 fine and serve 20 hours of community service.