The FINAL QUIZZLE and Bath & Kitchen Idea Center Jackpot STARTS Wednesday, November 15th: $500
Congratulations to Amber Ogden from Herrin, our 1st Quizzle winner for 2023! $900 winner!
Congratulations to April Serna from Marion, our 2nd QUIZZLE Winner! $1,100!!
Congratulations to Cheryl Martin from West Frankfort! She just WON Quizzle #3 worth $1,000!! The right answer… CHAPSTICK!
Congratulations to Brandi Bastien from Tamaroa! She solved Quizzle #4 ON THE FIRST DAY and won $500! She knew it was a ZIPPER!!
Congratulations to Lindsey Neafus from Eldorado! WINNER of $500 with Quizzle #5! The correct answer was a BREADBOX!
Are you Ready to Quizzle?!
It’s time for another year of Quizzle for Cash, sponsored by Marion Chevrolet, Charlie’s Air Conditioning & Heating, and Little Tractor & Equipment! Check out the rules below, and try your luck at being one of this year’s Quizzle for Cash winners!
Jackpot Sponsor: Bath & Kitchen Idea Center by Winsupply
Incorrect Guess Sponsor: LeMonds Motorsports
Clue Update Sponsor: Reynolds Roofing, Exteriors & Coating
Quizzle for Cash Rules 2023
The Quizzle is a four-line “poem” or puzzle that describes an inanimate object. (Unless otherwise specified).
- Each weekday (excluding holidays) the Quizzle is not solved, another clue will be added.
- The Quizzle will be played at random times Monday – Friday between 7am – 7pm (excluding holidays).
- The first person to correctly identify the Quizzle on the air, wins the cash.
- No clues or previously guessed incorrect answers may be given to callers on the phone, text, email, online, in person, etc.
- You must be at least 18 years of age to play.
- One winner per household per course of the entire contest.
- When a Quizzle has been solved, the new Quizzle will begin on the following Monday (unless specified otherwise, excluding holidays)
- The Quizzle jackpot will start with $500 and $100 will be added each weekday it is played until a winner is determined.
- Z100 judges’ decision is final.
- Z100 is not responsible for inability to complete phone calls.
- Contestants automatically consent to having their voice and/or likeness used on air and online for promotional purposes.
- Winners agree upon acceptance of prize that Z100, Mississippi River Radio, and their advertising affiliates and employees shall have no liability in connection with acceptance or use of any prize awarded.
- Any taxes associated with cash &/or prizes is the sole responsibility of the winners. Winners of $600 or more will receive a 1099 Tax Form in 2024.
- Additions and/or deletions to the Quizzle rules may be made at any time.
- Z100 is not responsible for announcer misspeaking.
- Z100 reserves the right to alter or discontinue this contest at any time.
- A copy of the rules is available at the Z100 Studio or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Quizzle Rules, c/o Z100, 1431 Country Aire Drive, Carterville, IL 62918.