Don’t miss out on the welcome home celebration for Veterans Honor Flight #7! Our nation’s true heroes will take off for Washington DC on Tuesday, September 28th, at 6AM! They’ll return to Marion’s Veterans Airport around 8PM, but get there early because festivities start at 5PM with food trucks, LIVE music, and more! Wear your red, white, and blue! Make some home-made signs! Let’s show our veterans how much we appreciate all they have done for us! Limited parking available at the airport, and parking is available at Sam’s Club/Cornerstone Church parking lot in Marion, and the Community of Faith Church. Shuttle service provided by Rides Mass Transit running every 15-20 minutes! To follow along with Veterans Honor Flight number 7, CLICK HERE! And, I was able to speak with my friends, Debbie Hogg and Evan Youngblood, about Tuesday’s big event!