I recently read an article online about bacteria and germs. In it, the author stated that a public toilet seat has fewer germs than your kitchen sink! And furthermore…we should stop spreading toilet paper on the toilet seat before we use it! So… I thought I would put that to the test. I invited Dr. Scott Hamilton-Brehm, assistant professor with SIU Microbiology to come over to River Radio studios, and swab some of the surfaces we touch on a daily basis! Trevor and Shiomi, two students in the microbiology department, showed up with “Dr. Scott”, armed with petri dishes, swabs, and bravery! We swabbed several places at the station:
- The New Country Z100 studio microphone
- The big yellow button that we push every day (at least a couple hundred times)
- The kitchen sink
- A sponge we all use to clean up our messes
- The men’s room toilet seat
So, Dr. Scott will put these samples under a microscope, and we’ll see the results ASAP! When I get the results back, I’ll put them online, and we’ll talk about it on the air! In case you missed it, here’s our interview from this morning’s #KiTC Morning Show! AND, just how effective is hand sanitizer?? You’ll fid out that answer at the 5:30 mark in the audio! (Just in time for cold and flu season)