This was an awesome surprise! Today, some members from the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department paid me a visit in the New Country Z100 studio! Thanks to your support this past 4th of July, they were able to raise enough funds during their BBQ sale to purchase brand-new state-of-the-art communications equipment for their SRT (Special Response Team). They told me the name of the equipment, but it was so long I have already forgotten it. That part doesn’t matter. What does matter, is that the good guys now have even more tools to help them keep us safe! YAY!! While they were here, I got to go for a ride in an MRAP. This thing is #bad-ass!! Approximate weight is 40,000 poounds! Fully armored with 6-wheel drive! Room for 12! Gets about 4 mpg on the highway! In case your wondering, here’s what an MRAP is…Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP; /ˈɛmræp/ EM-rap) is an American term for vehicles that are designed specifically to withstand improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes. It’s an awesome vehicle designed to keep the members of the SRT safe! And it’s great to know that we have a vehicle like this in Williamson County! Thank you Williamson County Sheriff’s Department for all you do! Every day! We appreciate you! #KiTC.
Here’s Scott McCabe on the air with me this morning in case you missed it!